As I walked along the creek, I saw this cute dragonfly perching on a grass-leaf. This insect belongs to the insect family of the order of odonata, having a long slender body and two pairs of large transparent wings usually spread during resting.
This insect is very fond of the swampy areas since there are many small insects around on which to feed on. It was a musing sight just to watch them frolickingabove the water line.
Then I met this cluster of dragonflies still asleep. I just took their pictures and left them with their sleep.

dragon fly pun ade banyak kategori kn tokk... klu dpt gamba de setiap jenis dpt juga kita kongsikan
Setahu saya yang tak banyak mana pun, ada dua jenis jer. Pepatung biasa (dragon-fly) dan pepatung-lidi (damsel-fly). Dragon-fly masa dia hinggap kepak dia kembang tetapi damsel-fly pula kepaknya kuncup. Memasing ni berkaler-kaler indah sekali. Belum dapat tangkap gambarnya lagi.
Dragon-fly (naga-terbang) dan damsel-fly (anak-dara terbang)..hehe! Tertib anak dara tu yer, masa dia duduk rest, bertimpuh sakan!!!
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