This apple-like fruits is called 'kelepung' in Malay. I managed to get a few shots as I was parking my car somewhere near Plaza Pekeliling in K.Lumpur. These fruits are normally favourites to the birds but then when I was younger I used to take these fruits also for food. That was sometime about twenty years ago when we were short of food in the jungle. The jungle variety is bigger in size, and we used to pluck the green fruits and boil it first. Although it tasted bitter (kelat) but anyway they really served the purpose to fill up our tummies!
Looking at these fruits make me wonder whether they are cousins to the apple. I have planted two apple trees in my house compound, and now they are about 6 years old. They grew very well but yet to see them bearing any fruits at all even the trees are about 15 feet tall now.
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Thank you so much Mr Anonymous. You are the good visitor, previously there were 4 bad-visitors that gave stupid remarks. Thank God, I managed to delete all fours!
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